Our Mission

MCBC's mission is to make disciples that make disciples.

Our Vision

Multiply Connect Build Care for all people;
to know the life transforming power of Christ;
and to make Christ known.

Our Team

Pastor Fred Tham

English Pastor

Fred has pastored for over 25 years, serving churches in the GTA.  His passion is shepherding congregations and discipling men in all stages of their spiritual journeys. 

Pastor Fred is a graduate of the University of Toronto (Engineering) and the Ontario Theological (now Tyndale) Seminary (MDiv. Pastoral).  He is also a Doctoral candidate at the Knox Theological Seminary (in Theological Exegesis).

Rev. Tham deeply believes in Missions. He has been on mission trips to many countries and remote parts of the world.  During these trips, and through experience living in Europe as an engineer, he developed a passion for the urgent relevance of the Gospel to this generation. 

Pastor Tham’s most challenging and rewarding role is as husband to Katherine, and father to Daniel, Michael and Joseph.  Katherine is a teacher of Special Needs teens in an inner-city school.  She is a graduate of Tyndale Seminary in Clinical Counseling.

Pastor Fred’s ultimate desire is to see all people, of all races come to know Jesus personally, and to worship Him as Lord and Saviour!

Pastor Maria Ching

Children's Pastor

Maria holds a Master of Divinity from Tyndale University & Seminary. She has over seven years of experience as a children's pastor in North America.

She has served as a Children Director at Toronto International Celebration Church and a Children's pastor at Toronto Chinese Alliance Church. She also worked as a Family Violence Counsellor at Women's Counselling Centre.

Maria has shown to be structured, organized and strong administrative skills. She has a deep love for children and their spiritual well being. She also believes that spiritual growth not only happens at church but also at home and is very much a believer in involving parents throughout the child's spiritual journey.

How to Reach Us

5220 Creekbank Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 1X1 Canada