This sermon series allowed us to take a look at some examples of people from the Bible and how they lived out their faith in God. Some are well known and others not so much, but what we also find out are the various weaknesses, imperfections and shortcomings they had as well. While God invites people to be a part of His plan and His purposes we discover that He invites all kinds of people, with all kinds of strengths and weaknesses, positive and negative traits. He still does this today, when God invites you and me to join Him in the plans He has for people. This sermon series is an encouragement that while people matter, God is who ultimately matters and we are simply called to be faithful to God and His purposes.
Her story is much like ours. We are not worthy, we all have a past, we all have things we have done that we are ashamed of. However, when we put our faith, hope, trust in God all of that changes. We are no longer identified by our past failure or behaviour but we move forward with a new identity as a child of God. Rahab had to take a great step of faith in a God she did not know much about, but when she did, her life was transformed and she receives recognition in the Bible as a woman of faith.
One-liner: Faithful to God without knowing much about God.
As Joseph grows and matures he finds success, injustice and imprisonment. In the face of all these circumstances Joseph’s faith is deepened to understand the sovereignty of God rather than the difficulties of his circumstances. His faith is summarized in this one statement when he is reunited with his family, “you intended to harm me, but God intended it for good” (Gen 50:20). It is his faith in God that sees beyond his own circumstances that he receives recognition as a man of faith.
One-liner: Faithful to God when your circumstances don’t make sense.
One-liner: Faithful to God when the world around is not.
One-liner: Faithful to God even when you don’t consider yourself good enough.
One-liner: God is faithful even when we are faithless.
One-liner: Their faith in God moved them to build the faith of others.
One-liner: God does not invite the qualified, He invites us just as we are – imperfect.
One-liner: Prayer, faithfulness and perseverance to a faithful God.
One-liner: Faith in God can make lasting impacts in the lives of others.